Stacie Evans

YA/NA Author/SoundCloud Pop Artist/Graphic Designer


I'm a Young Adult/New Adult Drama/Romance writer. I'm a pop songwriter, singer, and producer. I also do video editing. Check out my free drafts on Wattpad and Inkitt. Buy my series, The One Series, on Amazon. Stream my music on SoundCloud. Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, and YouTube for updates, quotes, and content.

Recent Works (Links on Pictures)

Let Me Be The One (The One Series:Book #1)
Let Me Be The One (The One Series:Book #1)
Addictive Lies (The One Series:Book3)
Dangerous Scandals (The One Series:Book4)
Let Me Be The One (The One Series:Book #1)
Red Light:The Second Album